On Saturday 14.04.2018. first matches in this season for women’s senior teams are scheduled. The strengths will be measured between Lady Pirates and Pink Panthers, and than Princ and Pink Pathers will play the match that was postponed. We are inviting everyone to come to see are our players ready for new season and is

Završen 11. Forever Fastpitch turnir
Ovaj vikend odigran je 11. Forever Fastpitch turnir na kojem je sudjelovalo rekordni broj od 9 ekipa iz raznih zemalja- Bugarska, Mađarska, Italija, Češka pa čak i Švedska. U tri dana odigrano je 25 utakmica na dva terena. Konačan poredak: Storms (Češka) Princ Stars (Italija) Lady Pirates (Hrvatska) Leksand (Švedska) Mađarska U22 reprezentacija Akademics (Bugarska)
11. Forever turnir 6.-8.4.2018.
Ovaj vikend se na Jarunu odigrava 11. Forever fastpitch turnir na kojem će sudjelovati 9 ekipa. Od hrvatskih ekipa na turniru će nastupiti juniorska reprezentacija, Lady Pirates i Princ kao domaćin. Raspored utakmica možete vidjeti u nastavku. Forever-schedule_2018

Euroleague 2018 – record in numbers! 10 teams 6 countries 45 regular + 16 playoff games 5 tournaments! For five years in a row, the Euroleague will be played in Central Europe. The Euroleague started as a project involving six teams from three states – Croatia, Slovakia and Hungary. The Austrian team joined in 2015
Princ won their third tropy in this season!
Players of Softball Club Princ became Croatian Champions in 2017, and thus completed a trophy set for the 2017 season. The last play-off game was played on Jarun on Monday 09.10.2017. from 20:30. It was tightA�to the very end, and at the end the princess celebrated withA�score of 18:17. (statistics and game record are coming

Softball Euroleague
Last tournament is getting closer. 30th of Semtember and 1st of October 2017 in Zagreb will be the last Softball Euroleague 2017 tournament. https://www.facebook.com/SoftballEuroleague/?fref=mentions

Princ won Croatian Cup, men in battle for play off
After heavy rains and postponed games this weekend we finally played softball in Zagreb. The men are still playing for place in the play off and everything is still open. Women have already started play off and Princ leads 2:0 against Novi Zagreb. The final of the Women’s Cup was also played. In the interesting
Women’s European Cup
Women’s European Cup was held in Montegranaro, Italy, which was attended by five teams from Europe and for the first time by African team from Botswana. Although Prince played several very tense matches, they managed to win only one game and ended up on fifth place. In the final game, Carrousel beat Atletico San Sebastian

Senior Women NT 16th at European Championship
The women’s senior team ended their appearance at the European Championship held in Italy. With winn against Switzerland we managed to finish 16th in the overall ranking of 23 countries. The gold was won by the Netherlands, which defeated Italy 7: 1 in the finals, while third place went to Great Britain. The schedule changed

Women European Chamionship started
On SundayA�25.06.2017. Women European Softball Championship started. 23 teams came from all around Europe to play at the biggest European softball tournament of the year. The best three teams – the medalists – will advance to the 2018A�World Championship in Japan. Our representatives have played two games on the first day of the tournament. The