Weekend ahead of us is filled with softball games. On Saturday on field Jarun and Mladost men games will be played, and on Sunday women games. Favorites Mrki Medvedi are playing against A�pansko and Dubrava, while in women game Lady Pirates have chance to get back to Princ for two losses last weekend. Games Lady
Princ better than Lady Pirates in Croatian and Zagreb Championship!
New season 2015 for girls begun with game of Zagreb Championship betweenA�Princ and Lady Pirates. Derby between Princ and Lady Pirates showed that we can expect a very exciting season full of twists, but this time Lady Pirates did not succeed in beating Princ which made 3 victories in total last weekend. Results Princ –

Juniorke nastupaju na Foreveru!
A?enska juniorska reprezentacija nastupiti A�e od 1.-3.5.2015. na meA�unarodnom turniru ‘Forever Fastpitch’ u organizaciji SK Princ. Na turniru sudjelujuA�4 ekipe: Wildcats (Srbija), seniorska reprezentacija Slovenije, juniorska reprezentacija Hrvatske i domaA�in Princ Zagreb. U petak se igra prva sluA?bena utakmica te A�e gosti iz Srbije odigrati dvije prijateljske utakmice protiv domaA�ih ekipa, a u subotu kreA�e
Forever Fastpitch turnir
Kao i svake godine Softball Klub Princ Zagreb organizira Forever Fastpitch na Jarunu. Ove godine sudjeluju 2 Srpske ekipe – Arena i Widlcats, Slovenska reprezentacija, teA�HrvatskaA�juniorska A?enska reprezentacija i domaA�in Princ. Turnir se odrA?ava od 01. – 03.05.2015.

Tournament in Slovakia (Trnava, Bratislava) SATURDAY (April 18, 2015) Field A (Trnava) 10:00 Trnava Panthers (SK) vs Princ Zagreb (CRO) 12:00 Hungarian Astros Budapest (H) vs A�rd Wildcats (H) 14:00 Trnava Panthers (SK) vs Hungarian Astros Budapest (H) 16:00 Princ Zagreb (CRO) vs A�rd Wildcats (H) Field B (Bratislava a�� Apollo) 10:00 Vienna Mosquitoes (A)