Seniorske utakmice obilježene vremenskim nepogodama

Seniori SK Medvedi Dubrave i SK Španskog odigrali su u subotu 15.05.2021. vrlo izjednačenu utakmicu, u kojoj SK Medvedi Dubrave preuzimaju vodstvo u 4. iningu i zadržavaju ga do kraja utakmice te dolaze do pobjede 6:4! Utakmica seniorki SK Princ Zagreb Žuti protiv SK Medvednice, počela je u 10h u sunčano nedjeljno jutro, 16.05.2021. Utakmica

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Utakmice seniora bogate “home runovima”

U subotu 08.05.2021. prvi među seniorima su na teren izašli Zagreb Giants protiv Medveda Dubrave. Giantsi su rutinski pobijedili utakmicu u 5ininga 13:3 uz home run Denisa Koštića. Ekipa Medveda Dubrave gubi i slijedeću utakmicu protiv Španskog 8:12. Na kraju dana Medvednica je pobijedila Špansko 9:1, a Denis Polašek i Matija Balent su pobjedu okrunili

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Zadranke otvorile svoju sezonu u Zagrebu

Vikend iza nas bio je pun utakmica, ispunjena satnica od jutra do mraka. Subota 08.05.2021. je započela utakmicom seniorki između Novog Zagreba i Žutog Princa. Na početku utakmice, ekipe su se izmjenjivale u vodstvu. U obje ekipe pitcheri nisu briljirali, bilo je puno hit by pitcheva i base on ballsa, što je i za očekivati

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Prošlu subotu u akciji su bili seniori

Vikend iza nas igrale su se utakmice Prvenstva Hrvatske. U subotu, 01.05.2021. na rasporedu je bila seniorska utakmica između Zagreb Giants i Spana. Utakmica je bila sve samo ne dosadna. Zagreb Giants vodili su većinu utakmice uz dominantno pitchanje Brune Kukolje. U petom inningu, pri vodstvu 9:1, Giantsi mijenjaju pitchera i tada Spanovci osvajaju bodove

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Sezonu 2021. otvaramo u Zadru u nedjelju, 25.4. s početkom u 13h, utakmicom muških seniora Donat Zadra i Medveda Dubrave. S obzirom da će ovo biti još jedna „COVID sezona“, Izvršni odbor Hrvatskog softball saveza donio je smjernice ponašanja na utakmicama. Molimo sve sudionike da se pridržavaju istih kako bi zaštitili sebe i druge te

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Princ and Medvednica defended the title of Croatian champion in the 2020. Princ was better than Medvednica in the final with 3: 1, while in the men’s category the Medvednica had a more uncertain fight against the Giants, and they won the title in the 5th game. The Princ convincingly started the playoffs, with a

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Men’s CUP started on September 19th with the Giants’ 12: 1 win over Dubrava. The next day we could follow the game between Zadar and Špansko where Špansko celebrated with 22:21. As a defending champion, SPAN had an easy way to the final, where they convincingly defeated Špansko with 15: 0. With that defeat, Špansko

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The regular part of the season is over and we got the finalists in the senior women’s and men’s championships. In women’s championsip, the Princ convincingly reached the finals with all six win, while Medvednica, as a returnee to the senior women’s championship, secured its place in the playoffs with four win and two loss.

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This Sunday at the Jarun, the Croatian Women’s Cup was played. After a short summer break, the girls went into action. The CUP was opened by Medvednica and Lady Pirates. In a great game, Medvednica took a close 8: 7 victory to enter the finals. The second game between Donat and Princ ends with the

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