Seniori i seniorke “odradili” na praznik

Praznični četvrtak 03.06.2021. donio je derbi između SK Zagreb Giantsa i SK Medvednica Mrkih Medvjeda. Napeta utakmica u kojoj je u jednom napadu napravljeno 2 boda koja su Medvednici osigurala pobjedu 2:0! Nakon napetog derbija SK Zagreb Giantsima su se suprotstavili SK Medvedi iz Dubrave. Dubrava dobro otvara utakmicu i drži ju u egalu do

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Seniorske utakmice obilježene vremenskim nepogodama

Seniori SK Medvedi Dubrave i SK Španskog odigrali su u subotu 15.05.2021. vrlo izjednačenu utakmicu, u kojoj SK Medvedi Dubrave preuzimaju vodstvo u 4. iningu i zadržavaju ga do kraja utakmice te dolaze do pobjede 6:4! Utakmica seniorki SK Princ Zagreb Žuti protiv SK Medvednice, počela je u 10h u sunčano nedjeljno jutro, 16.05.2021. Utakmica

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Zadranke otvorile svoju sezonu u Zagrebu

Vikend iza nas bio je pun utakmica, ispunjena satnica od jutra do mraka. Subota 08.05.2021. je započela utakmicom seniorki između Novog Zagreba i Žutog Princa. Na početku utakmice, ekipe su se izmjenjivale u vodstvu. U obje ekipe pitcheri nisu briljirali, bilo je puno hit by pitcheva i base on ballsa, što je i za očekivati

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This Sunday at the Jarun, the Croatian Women’s Cup was played. After a short summer break, the girls went into action. The CUP was opened by Medvednica and Lady Pirates. In a great game, Medvednica took a close 8: 7 victory to enter the finals. The second game between Donat and Princ ends with the

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Nakon ljetne pauze sezonu su otvorile djevojke KUPom Hrvatske koji se igrao u Zadru. Prva utakmica bila je Lady Pirates protiv Donat Zadra. Pobjeda od 20:5 otišla je na stranu Lady Pirates, ali ekipa Donata pokazala je napredak od prošle godine. To su dokazali i u utakmici protiv branitelja naslova Princa, s kojima su odigrali

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From the July 29th until August 3rd, 13 European teams competed to earn the title of U-16 Women’s European Champion of 2019. Croatia, Hungary and Turkey for the very first time at this tournament. The Croatia first played with the Czech Republic and Hungary. The great game was played against Hungary team with important victory

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On 29 July, U16 Women´s European Championship will start in Zagreb. Croatia is in the group with the Czech Republic and Hungary. Our first game is played on Monday at 6 pm against the Czech Republic, and on Tuesday, 11:15, it will be a game against Hungary’s national team. We invite everyone to come to

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From the June 30th until July 6th, 23 European teams competed to earn the title of Women’s European Champion of 2019. The total of 113 games of this tournament were played on five different fields, in four different ballparks in Ostrava, Frýdek-Místek (CZE), Żory and Rybnik (POL). The Croatian national team played their first game

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Last Saturday the Women’s National Team played its last preparation games against Ronchi team in Italy. With 3:1 and 7:3 wins, the Croatian team showed that they are ready for the upcoming European Championship which starts on Sunday, 30th of June. Croatia plays their first game against Germany on Sunday and all games can be

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