Women’s senior and U-16 team made preparation games at the Forever tournament. Each of the national teams played six games and end with 3 wins and 3 defeats. In the end, Seniors team won 3rd place while the U-16 team finished at the 7th place. In one such international tournament, for the first time participate

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First two days withouth victory

The first two days of the European Junior Championships were played. Our girls had three defeats. Against France, the first half of the match, the girls played great. There were great hits and the pitching was on great level. Mia Landripet hit a home run against France. CROATIA POLAND 11 – 19   GERMANY CROATIA

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Počelo Europsko prvenstvo za seniore

Hrvatska je prvenstvo otvorila utakmicom protiv Izraela. Iako se očekivala velika borba i napeta utakmica, naši reprezentativci su poraženi 8:0. Za razliku od Izraelaca koji su bili raspoloženi na udaranju, naši reprezentativci su imali samo 2 hita te nisu uspjeli upisati pobjedu na startu prvenstva. ISRAEL 8, CROATIA 0 (Jun 25, 2018 at Havlickuv Brod)

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Men’s European Championship

The 14th Men’s European Championship will be played in Havlíčkův Brod (CZE) from the 25th until the 30th of June. Before the championship, the Croatian team expect two friendly games, tomorrow with a team from Havlicki Brod, and on Sunday against the UK team. All games will be possible to watch on the official site

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Junior and senior NT preparing through Croatian Campionship games

Our junior women national team is participating in July on the European Championships in Italy, and senior national team travels to the European Championship in the Czech Republic in June. According to the wishes of the team managers, Petra Čizmić Pokrajac (juniors) and Luka Mektić (senior) teams participate in the Croatian Championship out of competition

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Men games weekend!

On Saturday 07.04.2018. as part of the preparations for the upcoming European Championships, a part of the male senior team will play against the teams of Zagreb Giants and Mrki Medvedi. First official game is scheduled for Sunday (last weekend matches were postponed); always interesting match between the Zagreb Giants and Mrki Medved. Saturday 07.04.

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Juniors and Cadets 4th at European Championship

  Another U-19 Men’s Softball Championship was completed and the first U-16 Men’s Softball Championship. Croatia took the 4th place in both categories. Although a medal they was expected from the junior NT, they were unfortunately defeated in a decisive game against Israel and lost 14:1. Cadets have also unfortunately lost in the tied match

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Juniorsko Europsko prvenstvo bez vecih iznenadenja

Krenulo je Europsko prvenstvo U19 koje se odrzava u Pragu. Nasi juniori za sada biljeze dobre nastupe. Visokom razlikom svladali su Veliku Britaniju i u napetoj utakmici izgubili od glavnih rivala za ulazak u top3 – Izraela. Utakmica protiv Danske pokazala je da nasi juniori napreduju iz godine u godinu i da mozemo parirati i

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Juniori i kadeti spremni za EP!

Od 24. do 29. srpnja u Pragu se odrA?ava Europsko prvenstvo za juniore i kadete odnosno kategorije U-19 i U-16. Hrvatska A�e nastupiti s reprezentacijama u obje kategorije. U-19 reprezentacija A�e igrati protiv reprezentacija A?eA?ke Republike, Danske, Velike Britanije i Izraela, dok A�e U-16 reprezentacija imati iste protivnike osim ekipe Velike Britanije koja se ne

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Senior Women NT 16th at European Championship

The women’s senior team ended their appearance at the European Championship held in Italy. With winn against Switzerland we managed to finish 16th in the overall ranking of 23 countries. The gold was won by the Netherlands, which defeated Italy 7: 1 in the finals, while third place went to Great Britain. The schedule changed

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