Croatian National Team vs MSU Denver

On Sunday, June 16, in Ljubljana, the Croatian National Team played a friendly game against the softball team from Denver University. MSU Denvera is on a European tour, and the Croatian National Team has had a unique opportunity to play against a US team. Expected victory for MSU Denver 15: 0, but also a great

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Ljetna škola softballa u Zadru

Od 19. lipnja do 19. srpnja na ŠRC Višnjiku će se provoditi ljetna škola softballa za djecu osnovnoškolskog uzrasta. Školu vodi Softball klub Donat – Zadar, u suradnji sa Športskom zajednicom Grada Zadra. Cilj škole je držati djecu aktivnim tijekom ljetnih praznika, omogućiti im druženje s vršnjacima i učenje novih vještina. Učenje softballa kroz razne

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Ljetni softball kamp na Jarunu

I ove godine Softball klub Princ organizira ljetni softball kamp za djecu od 8 do 13 godina. Kamp će se održati na Jarunu na Softball Centru Princ Zagreb (Ribički prilaz 2) od 15.06.2019. do 19.06.2019. Na kampu će sudjelovati 40-tak djece starosti 8 –13 godina (2010. – 2006. godište) s područja Grada Zagreba. Cilj projekta

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Eight teams participate in this year’s edition of Euroleague: Euroleague 2018 winners Trnava Panters, Apollo Bratislava, both from Slovakia, Angels from Bulgaria, Snail Kunovice from Czech Republic, three teams from Hungary: Astros, Reds and Wildcats and Prince from Croatia. The first tournament was played in Kunovice, last weekend second tournament was played in Bulgaria and

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This weekend tournaments for youth was played. On Saturday Giants and Princ played T-ball tournament. The winner of the tournament was Princ. On Sunday was first youth tournament in which participated four teams: Dubrava, Novi Zagreb, Princ and Spansko. The winner of the tournament is team Spansko who won the final against Novi Zagreb 10:7.

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After interesting games between Novi Zagreb vs Špansko and Medvednica vs Giants, and a short Easter break, we return to softball. This weekend is reserved for men softball. On Saturday, 10:00 am at Jarun will play CUP game Giants vs SPAN, and on Sunday we will go to Zadar to doubleheader Donat and Giants. The

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Women’s senior and U-16 team made preparation games at the Forever tournament. Each of the national teams played six games and end with 3 wins and 3 defeats. In the end, Seniors team won 3rd place while the U-16 team finished at the 7th place. In one such international tournament, for the first time participate

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This weekend Softball club Princ will host the international club tournament Forever. This year toutnament will be part of preparations for upcoming European championships for both Croatian women’s national teams. Donat from Zadar also decided to use this tournament as a preparation for the upcoming season.


Without some surprises the Croatian Championship started. On Saturday, girls from Prince beat Lady Pirates 16:1 while Giants won against Špansko 23: 0. This season, apart from Croatia’s Cup, the Croatian Championship will also be played by the Donat team. On Sunday they played their first-ever Croatian Championship game against SPAN followed by a game

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Season 2019.

This weekend begins a new season with the game of Prince and Novi Zagreb on Saturday, 30th of March at 10am on Jarun. The planned schedule for the weekend is as follows: Subota 30.03. jarun 10.00h Princ – Lady Pirates sen ž hp-1 16.00h Špansko – Zagreb Giants sen m hp-1 Nedelja 31.03. jarun 10.00h

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